samedi 1 novembre 2014

Mosaic ... le premier gros navigateur, ai 19 ans

1993: Mosaic – first graphical web browser for the general public

Mosaic - first graphical web browser for the general public
The first widely downloaded Internet browserMosaic, was released in 1993. While Mosaic wasn’t the first web browser, it is considered the first browser to make the Internet easily accessible to non-techies.

IRC début du chat

1988: IRC – Internet Relay Chat

IRC - Internet Relay Chat
Also in 1988, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) was first deployed, paving the way for real-time chat and the instant messaging programs we use today.

First Emoticon

1982: The first emoticon

The first emoticon
While many people credit Kevin MacKenzie with the invention of the emoticon in 1979, it was Scott Fahlman in 1982 who proposed using :-) after a joke, rather than the original -) proposed by MacKenzie. The modern emoticon was born.